Took Sherry into the Kirby Surgical Center at 5:45 a.m., and they wheeled her into surgery at 7:15. At 8:15, Dr. Gabel came to give me an update. They decided to go with a plate rather than with the wire as they had originally intended. I saw the xray which clearly showed five screws and a metal plate. She may set off alarms at the courthouse. They released her at 10:30, and she's resting and semi-dozing now. She's wearing a soft splint and sling for now. Dr. Gabel hopes to remove the splint in 10-14 days (along with the stitches) and have her only in a sling for the rest of her recovery and rehabilitation.
[No, this isn't her actual xray, but her's looks very similar.]
Hurray for Sherry! Phase 1 complete! oxo, celia